Steel Lake Little League acknowledges that coaches are one of the most important catalysts that directly impact the experience for children both in our League, and educational athletics at large. A coach establishes a supportive team culture and creates a safe space that fosters both physical, mental and social-emotional skill development.
Coaches understand that competition and scoreboard results are useful but what’s more important are the unique opportunities sports provide to develop, grow and learn powerful life lessons. Mistakes are ok and are part of the learning process. Emphasizing effort and growth is what yields true success in sport.
As Coaches, our mindset is inherently growth and development. It’s only natural then, that we expect the same for ourselves. There’s always more to learn and ways to improve. This section of the website contains links to information, online training and additional resources that will help you grow as a coach.
My name is Chris Hobson and I am the Coach Coordinator for Steel Lake Little League. I’m here to support and represent coaches in our League. Whether you’re brand new to coaching or have coached for many years, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m here to help.
Chris Hobson
Coaching Coordinator
[email protected]