Happy New Year! We would like to invite all members in good standing to attend a Special General Membership meeting taking place on January 10, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
The purpose of the meeting to present the revised Steel Lake Little League Constitution for your review and consideration. The presented version has already been approved by the Board of Directors, but it must approved by the General Membership to be formally implemented. This is the only agenda topic to be presented at this meeting. The Constitution you will be voting on is attached for your convenience.
The Special General Membership meeting will consist of a presentation of the drafted revisions and language, with time allotted for questions or comments, then followed by a procedural vote with the General Membership to approve or decline the proposed changes to the Constitution. Requested revisions to the SLLL Constitution will be heard and recorded but not considered at this time. If the General Membership declines the Constitution as it is presented, we will then consider any revisions presented by the General Membership.
This has been your 2023 Board of Directors first big task for the new year. I want to extend a special thank you to our President Kris McCoskery and the board members who provided feedback for their diligent research and extensive time spent working on this important project.
Meeting Location: 1010 South 336th St #202 Federal Way, WA 98003 – Granville Court Building
(The meeting is being held at the Peninsula Truck Lines Corporate office conference room. The conference room has its own entrance from the hallway and it is right across the hall from the main entrance to Peninsula Truck Lines suite. The room is located on the 2nd floor and follow the signs to Suite 202.)
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Special General Membership meeting on January 10th at 6:00 PM.
PS - Don’t forget that our registration is NOW OPEN for the 2023 Season! Please help spread the word in the community and on social media. Visit https://www.steellakell.com/ to register today!